Transgender Model Tara Wells Talks Silicone, Glamino, and Living Life Unapologetically: I'm Embracing Every Day to the Max!

Michaela_x 07.06.2023

As Tara steps into the room, you can't help but be drawn in by her magnetic charisma. ⚑️🀩 Her untamed hair playfully sways with every nod, and those perfectly lean legs stride with the elegance of a runway model. Her infectious grin? Pure sunshine, bursting with vitality. And let's not forget that undeniable feminine grace; it just surrounds her like an aura, impossible to ignore

Ladies and gents, we're about to introduce you to someone pretty extraordinary. Meet Tara Wells, another fabulous contributor from our Glamino creators, who is not only a bundle of energy and likability but also a source of inspiration.

Tara seizes life with full gusto, living each day to the fullest. Though she was born into a male body, from an early age, she felt a natural pull towards her feminine side, discovering it was truer to her identity. It's about being authentic, about being herself. We're so thankful Tara shared a peek into her world, which remains largely misunderstood by many, and gave us a chance to learn more about her journey. πŸ™πŸΌ

Tara, we're thrilled to have you with us today. How's your day going so far, and what exciting projects have you been diving into this morning? 😊

My mornings always kick off with a brisk walk with my pup. That's followed by my beloved morning coffee, a bowl of my favorite oatmeal, and some collagen. Post that, I enjoyed a swim and then got stuck into work for the day. Come evening, I'll be taking a leisurely stroll through the streets of Prague. We're quite the walkers and can easily clock up to ten kilometers without breaking a sweat.

Many of our readers are just about to learn about you. How would you paint a picture of yourself, and what's the first thing you'd like them to know about you?

I'm a 40-year-old from Prague, and I proudly go by the name Tara the 'Trannie' Wells. I'm a lively soul, and anyone who knows me knows how passionately I embrace life. My friends mean the world to me, and I'd go to any length for my family. But there's another side to me, my alter ego Trannie Tara. And this Tara is pretty frank and upfront, something that 90% of people tend to grapple with. I just can't do pretense.

Tara Wells certainly has a ring to it. What's the backstory behind that name?

 I drew inspiration from Tara Welles, a character from the show Return to Eden. I was so impressed with her naturalness, directness, and hard work. So much so that in 2000, Tara Wells was born. πŸ™Œ

What keeps you busy when you're off the clock?

I'm quite the sporty galβ€”I take delight in activities like hiking and swimming, and there's nothing better than being out in nature with my pals. Like I've mentioned before, I'm all about living life in high gear.

Your Glamino nickname, Tara the 'Trennie' Wells, hints at your identity as a trans woman. Let's delve into that a bit. Can you recall a specific moment when you realized you felt more woman than a man?

That traces back to my childhood when I was a little boy prancing around in my mother's heels. I firmly believe that this identity either resides within you from the beginning or just doesn't.


What is a definition of trans woman? Just a heads up, when we talk about a 'trans woman', we're referring to someone who, though biologically born male, identifies as a female. The term 'trans' speaks to gender identity - a deeply personal, internal sense of self. A trans woman may go through varying degrees of transition, which can encompass hormone therapy or a variety of surgeries. But remember, it's all extremely individual. Each trans person has their own unique journey and what works for one might not work for another.


How did those around you react to your transition? Did you have a strong support network in your friends and family, or did you navigate through your journey more or less solo?

 My parents, as well as my brother and his family, all took it great. And as for my friends, they've known me like this for ages, so it didn't strike them as odd at all.

If you're comfortable sharing, what cosmetic changes have you undergone? And what other are you considering or wish for in the future?

I think it's key to mention that I'm mostly surrounded by men. 😌 And they appreciate my naturalness, which is something I plan to maintain. As of now, I haven't had any plastic surgeries. The only thing I'm seriously considering is silicone breast implants. I'm saving up for them currently, but if there's a generous heart out there who'd like to contribute towards my dream, I'd certainly be open to it. πŸ˜‡ Apart from this, I opt for botox, or 'vitamins' as I cheekily call them, once a year. And that's about it. I try to be low-key. 


What is the difference between sexual orientation and gender identity? Sexual orientation and gender identity are two distinct concepts. Sexual orientation, which includes heterosexuality, homosexuality, bisexuality, pansexuality, etc., is all about who you're drawn to emotionally, visually, or sexually. On the other hand, gender identity revolves around how you feel internally and where you position yourself on the male-female spectrum. Your gender identity doesn't necessarily align with your biological sex at birth. Some people identify as male, some as female, and others may identify as non-binary, meaning they don't feel strictly male or female. It's important to note that sexual orientation and gender identity are independent of each other. For instance, trans women can identify as gay, straight, bisexual, etc.


Have you ever experienced any adverse reactions towards you? Perhaps encounters with unkind remarks or unpleasant encounters with people on the street?

Luckily, I've had zero negative vibes thrown my way. Not even back in '99 when I used to take the train to get to parties, all dolled up or not, haha! No one ever had the audacity to spill any trash talk. No verbal or physical assaults ever happened.

I reckon part of the reason is that back in the day, things weren't shoved down people's throats like they are nowβ€”whether it's about being trans, gay, or whatnot. When individuals feel pressured or bombarded with information and ideologies from every angle, it can often have the opposite effect.

There must be something to that. Now, let's dive into your captivating Glamino profile, adorned with vibrant colors and boasting a dedicated fan base. Could you share with us the genesis of the idea to share and sell your photos and videos? When did it all begin?

The idea sparked in March this year, driven by the desire to afford those "vitamins" πŸ˜‡ (botox) and save up for the dream of getting silicone breast implants. So, I'm diligently putting aside funds to make it happen. 😌

If we do the math, how long have you been creating content for Glamino, and what has your experience been like so far?

Roughly three months since I started creating content for Glamino. I find the platform great, and it resonates with me more than OnlyFans. The interface is really clear and user-friendly. 😌

Before joining Glamino, what were you involved in? Did you have any prior experience in the adult industry, or is this a completely new venture for you?

Glamino marked my first foray into the realm of adult art. It was a whole new experience, as I had never ventured into this area before.

You've shared before that you've got a solid support crew in your family and friends – which is fantastic. Are they in the loop about your work with Glamino? And if they are, what's their take on it?

When folks really love you, like deep down and all, they take you as you are. Doesn't matter what you're up to. I've been really lucky there, you know?

That's truly heartening to hear, and we're rooting for you. Now, is Glamino your primary paycheck, or do you have another gig on the side?

Glamino's not my main cash flow at the moment, though maybe this chat could help change that! 😊 I also put on a travesty show and do some massage work. Basically, I juggle a few things to keep life free and joyful.

As the saying goes - the sky's the limit. Can you share a bit about your filming process? How much time does it typically gobble up?

I don't stick to any plan or script; everything just kinda happens on the fly. I don't dig pretending or putting on a show for the camera – that just wouldn't be me, and I reckon it'd show.

As for the time, I'd say it's usually about an hour, give or take.

So, if your fans decide to sign up for your Glamino Subscription, what sort of goodies can they expect to find?

I'm all about giving everything in life a go. So why not kick that off by grabbing my Subscription and checking me out doing my thing in action. 😌

Intriguing and tantalizing indeed! We have no doubt your content is a treat, and we hope you keep gathering more fans who appreciate your work. To wrap this up, could you share a little about your goals and plans for what's ahead? And any words of wisdom for those who might be thinking of dipping their toes into a similar career path?

 I'm pretty chill and happy with where I'm at, so I don't really have any big plans. I'm just living in the moment, you know, enjoying the here and now.

And to anyone thinking about jumping into something like this, I'd say don't let fear of judgment hold you back. Every bit counts, right? So go for it. πŸ™πŸΌ

A big thank you, Tara, for your candid chat and for sharing a slice of your life with us. We hope our readers have enjoyed this glimpse into Tara's world as much as we have. For more of her vibrant journey, make sure to head over to her Glamino profile! 

In closing, we'd like to leave our readers with this thought: Dream big and chase those dreams! Remember, it's never too late to become the person you've always wanted to be and live the life you've dreamt of. You've got everything it takes to make it happen! πŸ”₯

Thanks for being with us, and we can't wait to bring you the next article. Stay tuned!

Michaela_x 07.06.2023

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