How to complete an ID check successfully and why it's essential to your Glamino profile.

Sophia 02.09.2022

What you'll find in this article: 

  • Why should you complete an ID check on Glamino
  • Important things to know 
  • How to complete the ID check


Why should you complete an ID check on Glamino?

Our philosophy is to give everyone an equal chance to be a part of our community and enjoy our social network to the fullest. We don’t want to restrict or limit anyone from that chance but our social site cannot be used by users under 18 and unfortunately due to the nature of the internet sometimes we also encounter fake profiles with fake content. That is something we do not tolerate as it deprives the others of authenticity and gives space for many scammers to take advantage of the business they can do. We created the ID check as a security measure for everyone using our platform. 


Important things to know

  • If you don't get your ID checked you will not be able to set prices for all our services and upload paid content 
  • Logically you cannot earn nor cashout any money without an ID check
  • Not only will an ID check allow you to become a creator but it will also prove your authenticity to other users and therefore attract more fans to your profile 


How to complete the ID check 

Our platform is smart. Once you register and confirm your email,  we will let you know that you have to get your ID checked. A red request notification will appear in the upper right corner of your screen (if by any chance a glitch in the Matrix occurs, you can find the ID verification in your profile settings as well). 

Then it's just following these simple steps: 


That took probably less than 3 minutes right? Let's move on.


Your ID is checked, you’re of age and you’re not fake. Before you go on with your Glamino business whether it’s creating content, following others or simply socializing we will give you the option of getting your profile verified right away as well. This helps you to gain more authenticity by having a badge next to your name and therefore attract more followers. We strongly recommend going through this process and it's easy, taking not more than another minute of your time by following these simple steps:  


Write the following on a piece of paper: 


today’s date

Now please give us some time to process this (don’t worry we won’t take more than 72 hours) and then we'll let you know via email and the Glamino site itself, you'll also see a pretty badge next to your name. 


If we need something else or something is not correct we will let you know but if you followed all these simple steps you should be fine and get verified anytime soon. 



Sophia 02.09.2022

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