From Czechia to Switzerland: Atilla's Charismatic Jurney on OnlyFans & Glamino. "I Find Love In Teasing and Engaging with My Fans!"

Michaela_x 08.06.2023

The internet and social media are a vast sea brimming with millions of individuals, but not everyone manages to capture your attention or deserve your screen time. πŸ”₯ Today, though, we're thrilled to present Atti - an enchanting and strikingly good-looking young man whose charm will undoubtedly keep you engrossed, and if you were to bump into him on a street, you'd think you'd just crossed paths with a renowned Italian supermodel. 😍 Who else could boast such a flawlessly maintained beard, expertly styled hair, and attire that's curated down to the smallest detail?

Atti is an infectiously upbeat and personable young man who journeyed from his humble beginnings in Znojmo, navigating his way to Switzerland. Along the way, platforms like Glamino and OnlyFans have helped him cultivate self-assuredness and self-love. Marketing his personal photos and videos has proven fruitful, and he's on the brink of launching his very own beauty salon.

In today's candid chat, Atti grants us a private peek into his world and his ambitions. So, make yourself comfortable and brace yourself for an enlightening conversation that will underscore, among many other things, the significance of self-discovery in life.


Delighted to have you with us for today's chat, Atti. How are you feeling today?

I'm in high spirits! 😊 The day's off to a cracking start. I've been really productive, and fingers crossed it stays this upbeat and productive.

For some of our readers, this may be their first encounter with you. Could you give them a little intro? How would you sum yourself up in a few lines?

My real deal name's Atilla, 22 years young, and you can catch me on Glamino under the handle ItsAttiBae. I'm a Znojmo original, left home about 5 years back, and now, I'm posted up in Switzerland.

You'll find me to be quite the wild card, a real barrel of laughs. I'm the kind you can always share a giggle with, and you'd hardly catch me in a grumpy mood. ✌️

I'm a Libra by the stars, though folks often say I'm more of a "Libra with a twist". I'm a super spontaneous dude, and when I set my sights on something, you bet that's how it's going down.

Living abroad - wow, you've made quite the adventure of it! What's life like in Switzerland and what sparked the decision to move there?

The first time I set foot outside the Czech Republic, I landed in Austria. The proximity to my hometown, Znojmo, was a good deal – I could always pop over to see family or friends if I got a bit homesick.

I've been in Switzerland for a few months now, and honestly, it was a pretty spur-of-the-moment decision. Austria had changed a good deal over time, so my boyfriend and I thought, why not give something else a shot? When we got a job offer in Switzerland, all that was left was to pack up and hit the road.

Switzerland's a whole different ball game compared to the Czech Republic or Austria. The folks here march to a different beat, they're usually quite stressed out, always hustling, and it's pretty noticeable. At first, that vibe was a bit off-putting for me, but eventually, I got the hang of it. Anyway – if I feel like having a laugh, I'm gonna have a laugh, no matter where I am. No one can take that away from me.


That's an admirable approach, and we love how you've managed to adapt while keeping your positive spirit. So, when you're off the clock, how do you prefer to spend your downtime?

Seeing as we're in the mountains, I really dig going for walks. My boyfriend and I are also big on traveling – if we can snatch a couple of free days, we might zip off to Italy, for instance. And of course, sometimes I just kick back at home, queue up a good series, and take it easy.

Out of all the places you've had the chance to visit, which has been your favorite so far?

I've gotta say, out of all the spots I've hit up, Italy has really won me over. I'm a fan of the fashion sense there. When it comes to beach vibes and the sea, I'd recommend Bibione or Livigno. And for a shopping spree, Milan's definitely the place to be.

Your photos radiate so much energy! And we've got to say, you look fantastic in them. What's your secret to staying in shape?

I take facials pretty seriously because I'm a bit of a stickler when it comes to my face. I've got a collection of about a thousand creams, but in reality, I only use a couple of them. πŸ˜… I also try to keep an eye on my diet - not really a big fan of fast food and all that junk.

I think it's worth it to take a bit of care to keep your skin clear, feel good, and look nice. And that's not just for the benefit of others, but for yourself too. Plus, in this line of work, I reckon it's crucial to have a good level of self-appreciation. It's important to like what you do and for it to bring you joy.

We couldn't agree more with that. πŸ™πŸΌ So, what does a typical day in your life look like? Give us a little sneak peek.

Well, I work part-time as a train steward, so my day starts around 4-5am. I get up, shower, grab breakfast, suit up in my uniform, and it's off to work. I'm usually on the job until about 2pm. When I get back home, I have lunch, another shower, and a bit of chill time. Then my boyfriend and I might go shopping or take a stroll. My evenings are pretty mellow – usually just a movie, some snacks, and then hitting the hay.

And of course, let's not forget – I aim to set aside at least three days a week for creating photos and videos, maybe a little something for TikTok, maybe something for Instagram.


What's your take on the Czech OnlyFans and Glamino scene? Do you have any favorite creators or do you tend to gravitate towards international artists?

I can't really name a favorite artist, mainly because I don't keep much of an eye on the competition and, honestly, I'm not super clued-up on the Czech scene. I'm familiar with a few faces from TikTok, but I kinda get the impression that they're in it just for the cash. That's not really my vibe. 😞

Back in the day, before I started selling my own photos and videos, I naturally checked out other creators for a bit of inspiration. I was a total newbie and didn't want to overdo it or skimp on anything. I was trying to figure out what worked. 

I found most of my inspiration from a Czech artist named Klaudia, who's also on Glamino. Checking out her work, it clicked for me that there's no need to go overboard. To be successful, all you really need is a happy medium. is currently making waves in the Czech Republic. It's like an adult version of TikTok. Have you heard about it, and do you think it could be an interesting promotional platform for content creators?

Yeah, I've heard of it; I've seen it. And I've seen a lot of content on xfree I think one "problem" for content creators is that they might reveal too much on platforms like this. They give too much away. That leaves fans with no real reason to follow them on Glamin or OnlyFans, and they may choose to stick only with xfree.

For me, a bit of teasing works better. Not revealing everything straight away, playing a little with fans, dropping hints – that's more my style.

Have you got a dream that you're looking to make come true? If so, can you share with us what it is?

My big dream for this year is to open my very own beauty salon. 😍 I'm currently taking various courses, and once I'm done, I'll finally dive right in. I'm glad that I finally have the time to do this because juggling school and work in the past made it difficult.

My plan is to establish the salon here in Switzerland for now, but in the future, I'd love to expand into the Czech Republic and anywhere else I can with my own brand.

Sounds exciting, and we're keeping our fingers crossed for you. Now, let's shift our focus to your Glamino account. How and when did you decide to share and sell photos and videos from your personal life?

You know, this whole thing kicked off around the time when Covid got real, or maybe just a tad before. I was stuck at home, everything was on lockdown, and my regular job was on pause. That's when platforms like OnlyFans started getting mad attention.

I gotta tell you, back then, my self-esteem wasn't in the best place. I was battling with acne and just wasn't vibing with myself at all. I knew something had to change, I had to draw a line under all that. I wanted to boost my confidence, work on my self-image, and just flip the page to a new chapter in my life.

What got me the most about this was the freedom – I could post whatever I liked whenever I felt like it, with no one bossing me around or telling me how to do my thing. I was the boss of my own content, my own time.


Maximum freedom is undoubtedly one of the great advantages, we absolutely agree. What about your friends and family – do they know you're on Glamino?

Yeah, they're all in the loop. Before I kicked off this gig, I made sure to give my mom, my gran, and my aunts a heads-up. I didn't want 'em to be blindsided by all sorts of gossip from random folks. We're pretty tight-knit and open with each other, so it wasn't no big deal. 😊

I also told my friends because I put promo links pointing to my platforms on my IG. I spoke to my mom, grandma, aunts before I started doing this. I didn't want them to hear it from someone else or read some nasty comments somewhere. We're very open in my family, so it was no biggie.

Same with my mates. I shared promo links on my IG which lead to my pages, so they would've found out anyways. Everyone's been prepared, no one has an issue with it. And if anyone did, they don't belong in my life. That's it.

Give us a peek into your shoot day. How do things roll for you and how much time do you generally spend on a shoot?

There are days when I just dive in head-first into the shoot. I put in my efforts to get ready for it. Basics include a nice outfit or something a tad more provocative – I'm not about stripping off at the drop of a hat, you know. I try to give my content a bit of a zing. I aim to make each picture unique – different setting, different backdrop, different lighting, not too much but not too less.

So yeah, filming and shooting usually takes up an entire day for me.

Your content is pretty varied and you clearly put a lot of thought into it. Hats off to you. How would you charm your fans who are considering buying your Subscription?

On my profile, you'll find a mix of photos and videos β€“ some vids are short, others longer. I enjoy teasing my fans, so while I don't give it all away, I sure don't shy away from being a bit risquΓ©. You'll find me playing with toys and getting up to all sorts of things. πŸ”₯

I'm into sending voice notes and also taking photo requests via messages. I like to keep it personal, you know. I make it a point to never send the same photo twice – always making sure it's tailored and unique.

That's what we call real dedication. Your fans must be loving it. If you had to boil it down, what would you say are the biggest perks and joys of this career overall?

Without a doubt, the self-confidence boost, plus I've met a ton of awesome folks that I really enjoy chatting with. ❀️

It's a job I choose to do because I genuinely love it, not because I feel obligated. It brings me immense joy to brighten someone's day with a photo or a message, and receiving feedback brings me a great sense of happiness. It's fulfilling to know that what I do has meaning and isn't just empty or meaningless. So, it brings satisfaction to both sides, and that's what truly pleases me.

As a final question, what advice would you offer to individuals who are considering pursuing a career in this field of adult content but may still have reservations?

First and foremost, you need to be certain that this is genuinely what you want to do. Then, carefully consider your unique talents and what sets you apart. It's crucial to establish clear boundaries and never engage in activities that make you uncomfortable.

In my opinion, platforms like Glamino and OnlyFans provide excellent opportunities to earn money while indulging in activities you enjoy. It's not your typical 9-to-5 job; each day offers something different, diverse, and exciting.

Remember, you can't pay the bills by worrying about what others think. You hold the power to create your own happiness and determine your level of success in life. If you're ready, don't let fear hold you back. Embrace the opportunity and go for it.

However, I also want to emphasize that if you do choose to pursue this path, do so with dedication and integrity. Don't take it lightly or compromise the experience for others. As honest creators who have been doing this for a while, we want to preserve the authenticity and value of these platforms. πŸ™πŸΌ


As the icing on the cake, we've put together a playlist of Atti's favorite songs on our Glamino's Spotify. πŸ”₯ If you're curious to hear what he typically listens to, you have a one-of-a-kind opportunity to check it out!

And with that, dear readers, we're almost at the end of our conversation for today. But before we wrap things up, let's dive into five quick and final questions. Let's go!

πŸ” What's your go-to comfort food that you could devour every single day?

SvíčkovΓ‘ (beef tenderloin – traditional Czech dish)

πŸ“Ί What's your all-time favorite movie?

Sex and the City, no doubt. I love every single episode.

⚑️ If you could possess any superpower, which one would you choose?

I'd go with the power of mind reading.

😜 Which fictional character would you love to have as your real-life best friend?

Hands down, Batman.

πŸ“ If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would your dream destination be?

Bali has been on my mind lately. I've heard so many incredible things about it, and I'd love to experience its beauty firsthand.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Atti for allowing us a glimpse into his life and showcasing the transformative power of self-confidence. 😊 We hope you found this interview as enjoyable as we did, and be sure to follow Atti's profile on Glamino for more captivating content. As we bid adieu for today, we eagerly await the next installment of inspiring interviews.

Michaela_x 08.06.2023

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